365daystogive's Blog

Yogis coming together to create a better world
March 21, 2010, 8:07 pm
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A few months ago I finished my teacher training and started teaching at a local studio.  It has been a great experience so far, even though I am still nervous every time I walk into the room and feel the student’s expectation hovering in the air.  Many people don’t realize just how much work goes into being a yoga teacher and how much responsibility there is once you have people in front of you on their mats.

But I’m not complaining.

During our training we learned about different ideologies that the greatest yoga teachers discussed.  From ahimsa (non-harming) to seva (selfless giving), yoga teachers around the world believe in giving of themselves to help improve the human condition.  Whether it is organizing a fundraiser, donating their services to raise money or even going so far as to travel around the world to help people in need, it is such a great feeling to know that I am connected to this network of amazing human beings that share many of the same beliefs and values as I do.

So I was excited when I searched for yoga charities today and discovered ” Off the Mat, into the World.”  They are a wonderful group  that ” uses the power of yoga to inspire conscious, sustainable activism and ignite grassroots social change. We do this by facilitating personal empowerment through leadership trainings, fostering community collaboration, and initiating local and global service projects.”

I hope to join their network one day, but today, I give my donation to those who are already giving.  Keep up the good work yogis!

Just a few days away now…
February 24, 2010, 1:38 pm
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I have spent the past week looking at different volunteer opportunities in my area and there are a ton!  For a small city, there are certainly a lot of people in need.  I’ve even got a few requests from friends who work for nonprofits, so I am feeling pretty sure that I will be kept busy from March 1st onward!

One thing that I have found interesting is that volunteering for hospices isn’t just donning a pink uniform and sprucing up people’s flowers.  Many of them require an interview, followed by a urinalysis, TB test and background check.  While others may be discouraged by this process, I look forward to it and getting the opportunity to help the elderly in my community.  They are such a rich resource of information and history that I don’t wonder whether everyone should give some of their time to such a facility.

My first “interview” is tomorrow, so wish me luck and don’t forget to start reading the blog starting March 1st to learn about my journey down the path of seva, or selfless giving in Sanskrit.