365daystogive's Blog

I felt my heart break just a little more today…
April 7, 2010, 6:54 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

This might be the hardest volunteering I sign up for, helping out at an animal shelter.  There is only one shelter in the Charleston area that doesn’t euthanize animals and that is where I will be helping out, at Pethelpers.  Even though my own cat is from this shelter I had never been there myself (my cat was a gift) and I just wanted to adopt everything from the moment I walked in.  I couldn’t even bring myself to go back in the dog area this first time as I have been having some serious puppy issues (as in, I REALLY want one) and I might have smuggled one out with the low self-control that I have in that area.

As all of the future volunteers sat in the orientation we were told how so many animals had to be turned away from Pethelpers due to limited space, these unfortunate animals are then brought to the other shelters who can only hold them for a short while before they are euthanized.  Millions of animals each year are put down for the simple lack of homes available to house them all.  Another problem that is quite serious in Charleston is the large feral cat population that breeds endlessly, there is even an organization that traps, fixes and releases these animals so there aren’t hundreds of cats running around without a “furever” home.

Although I respect people who buy animals from breeders I simply cannot do something like that myself knowing how many animals in need there are, not just in Charleston, but around the country.  So many beautiful, kind, sweet, loving animals that need a home more desperately than any professional bred dog or cat ever could.  In fact many of the strays or owner surrenders that wind up in the shelter were bought from a breeder.  If you cannot take an animal into your home please donate some money to this shelter or a similar one near you and save the life of an animal in need.

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