365daystogive's Blog

Spring cleaning feels great when its for a good cause
April 5, 2010, 7:10 pm
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I admit, I am not the cleanest person nor do I truly enjoy cleaning; what I do love to do is organize.  Sit me down with a stack of cards and I will alphabetize like someone is giving me a prize afterward.  When I went to go help out again at the ReStore I was assigned to this older woman whose job it is to sort out and price nearly everything that comes into the store.  Walking into her “office” it was apparent that nobody had been around to help this woman in quite a while.  Trinkets, electronics and gadgets lined the walls and floor, some of them collecting dust.  Of course, the longer they sat in the office the less money the organization was making, so I readily offered to help her sort through and move items out onto the sales floor.

Two and a half hours flew by, there wasn’t a moment’s pause and by the time I left she was thanking me profusely.  There was a smile on her face for the first time since I had walked in that morning and her hacking cough had subsided.  I love that I can just walk into the store, be put to work and feel like I am really making a difference.  The lamp that I set out onto the table is quickly snatched up and purchased, another handful of dollars is added to the coffer and a door, wall or window can be purchased for a new home.  Although it isn’t very exciting and usually a bit dirty, I love volunteering for the ReStore.